
First, it is important to understand meaning of collaborator, Let’s clear in the following steps.

What is the meaning of collaborator?

Collaborator means a person who works together with others for a special purpose like to build a property. Even an expert client can benefit from a collaborator to help eliminate mistake.

What is property collaboration?

The builder and the property owner(s) are entitled to sell, convey, transfer and assign their respective portions to any prospective buyer(s) and can receive the sale proceeds in respect thereof, in their name during or after the building is completed, without any objection from each other.

Whey collaboration is important?

For example, If a land owner does not have enough money to build his/her property in this case collaborator plays an important role. Collaborator will invest money in land and after completion of the project both parties can transfer property ownership to each other with decided benefit.

Check list for Collaborator

  1. Check complete profile of collaborator.
  2. Make an agreement and mention in it all terms and conditions clearly according to your deal.
  3. Mention terms of payments clearly as per schedule and do not forget to mention in agreement.
  4. Discuss openly time of completion of your project and do not fail to mention in your agreement.
  5. All terms and condition should be clear in agreement.
  6. Understand all terms and conditions freely with your collaborator.
  7. Discuss each and every minute thing in detail with open heart. Like which type of materials will be used in building construction.
  8. COLLABORATION Agreement should be signed by both parties.
  9. Mention, who will arrange NOC from concerned authority. That will be clearly mentioned in agreement.
  10. Check and discuss about his previous finished work of collaborator.


Paris is the capital of France.


Tokyo is the capital of Japan.