Civil Contractor of your Property

Here, you can not forget this is important part of your property they contractor plays very important role to construct your dream property as per your imagination. As, we can not compromise to select your civil contractor without click on check list.

Follow the instruction in check list and enjoy to construct your dream home in your life.

Check list for Civil Contractor

  1. You are free to search civil contractor anywhere that should be capable to do work at site as per your requirements.
  2. Make an agreement and mention in it all terms and conditions between you and contractor.
  3. Your civil contractor should be experienced holder at least not less then five year.
  4. Feel free to Discuss quality of products like cement, iron, bricks, sanitary items, electrical items, etc.
  5. Discuss your work with more than one civil contractor.
  6. Discuss each and every minute thinks in detail with open heart.
  7. Ask about brands with its quality grade that points will used in your project.
  8. Make a site map and discuss all your requirements according site map you will mention.
  9. Visit his previous site to know about quality of work he provides.
  10. Ask to complete construction cost of your work.
  11. Arrange all NOC from all concern govt. Authorities.
  12. Safety concern is very important part during the construction period.
  13. Mention payment terms in your agreements.
  14. Discuss openly time of completion of your projects and do no fail to mention in your agreement.
  15. All terms and condition should be clear in your agreement.
  16. Agreement should be signed by both of parties.
  17. Understand all terms and conditions with your contractor freely.